Waynesville, Ohio
History of the Village
Older than the state of Ohio, the village of Waynesville offers a fascinating combination of history and culture as it developed in southwestern Ohio. This “Antiques Capital of the Midwest” and “Home of the Ohio Sauerkraut Festival” is a microcosm of our American heritage with its dreams and accomplishments.
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View All StoriesGroceryland
Do you love your local grocery store? Is it convenient to have a grocery store so close? If you answered “yes” to either of those questions, then please support Groceryland, your local grocery store. Groceryland is currently up for sale again as their customer base has decreased dramatically and will either sell or close their doors forever. Closing the doors forever would mean residents are out of work and everyone would have to travel farther to shop. We would hate to see a Waynesville staple go so please remember them when choosing where to buy your groceries.
Dynegy Aggregation
If you are part of the electric aggregate program, you probably received a letter like the attached. Dynegy Energy Services will be the new energy supplier instead of Energy Harbor. Your rates and term length will not change. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Dynegy at 888-682-2170.
Leaf Pick Up
Leaf Pickup will begin on Monday, October 14th. The Street Department will follow the schedule provided. We ask that leaves be raked to the curb but not into the street. Leaves in the street can get into storm drains and plug them up, causing flooding.